Who is the most trusted leader?

Whose leadership would you willingly follow? "Willingly" is the key word. We may follow the direction of others because we're obligated by position, rank or title. But when we "willingly" follow someone's leadership, we're saying: This is someone I trust to do the right thing for the right reason; someone in whom I have confidence, and whose direction I would not question.

Let's make this question a little more specific. The people you choose must meet these three criteria:

1. They must be alive.

2. They must know you well enough that they would return your phone calls personally.

3. They may come from any aspect of your life.

Go ahead. Make your list.

When management-consultant Marilyn Haight asked this question of 918 managers, ranging in age from 25 to 60, seventy percent of them wrote the same name as their only, or their first of only two trusted leaders. Then they identified that person's leadership traits, creating their own definition of a leader — a definition by which they judge everyone who holds a title of authority.

It might surprise you to know that none of them named their boss, or anyone else in their workplace. Did you?

Haight wrote an engaging story, using characters who are composites of the 918 managers with whom she worked, to explain how employees evaluate leaders. Find out what it takes for others to willingly follow your leadership in the book, "Most Trusted Leader: How Employees Judge Leadership;" Worded Write Publishing; ISBN 978-0-9800390-7-8; $12.00; available now from local and online book sellers.

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