Bad Bosses Ignore Corporate Life-Sustaining Advice (Mills)
If you have a boss who knows your profession much better than you do, and that boss tells you how to do your job better so you can avoid problems in the future, what do you? Do you ignore your boss? That wouldn't be too smart, would it?
Yet when auditors, who know accounting much better than the clients who hire them, give advice about how to avoid the demise of their companies, the managers ignore them. Later they lament that the auditors' comments were only "suggestions for improvement."
Day after day we read about it in the news as one company after another falls into financial woes—and they all give the same lame excuse. You could say it's a trend.
So what's going on here? Could it be that the short-term rewards for seeing a company through bankruptcy (retention bonuses) are so much greater than the long-term rewards for effectively managing a company? Is this the new executive early retirement program?
Yet when auditors, who know accounting much better than the clients who hire them, give advice about how to avoid the demise of their companies, the managers ignore them. Later they lament that the auditors' comments were only "suggestions for improvement."
Day after day we read about it in the news as one company after another falls into financial woes—and they all give the same lame excuse. You could say it's a trend.
So what's going on here? Could it be that the short-term rewards for seeing a company through bankruptcy (retention bonuses) are so much greater than the long-term rewards for effectively managing a company? Is this the new executive early retirement program?