Test Your Knowledge of Bullying in the Workplace -- Take This Quiz
Seattlepi.com offers this quiz in Dr. Joyce Brothers’ column today:
1. Bullying is a much smaller problem in the workplace than sexual harassment.
TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )
2. A "tough" boss who yells at employees to turn in their reports on time and an angry colleague shoving his way into the cafeteria line at work after a tough morning both are examples of bullying.
TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )
3. Bullying in the workplace can cause mental and physical issues as serious as suicidal thoughts.
TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )
4. Bullies almost always are the boss or someone to whom the victim is a subordinate.
TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )
5. The best thing to do in the face of health issues brought on by bullying is quit the job.
TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )
6. Confronting the bully is just a waste of time.
TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )
7. It may be better for your mental health not to leave quietly.
TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )
Click on this post's title to be taken to seattlepi.com for the answers.
Note: Not all bad-boss behavior is "bullying." Bullying is more obvious than many other less apparent, but equally or even more insidious behavior.