AIG Bad Bosses Demonstrate Five Ways to Talk Corporate

Want a lesson in corporate wiggling-out-of-responsibility? Watch the C-span video of AIG’s just-in-time-former-executives, Martin Sullivan and Robert Willumstad, at their House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing held on Tuesday.

You might think they learned their interview techniques from just-in-time-former-Attorney-General Alberto Gonzales. But, no, this is just the corporate way. Look for these five techniques: 

1. Never admit guilt

2. Never answer a question directly

3. Never veer off of a carefully-crafted, corporate-attorney-prepared script

4. Never tell the whole truth

5. Always imply that the interviewer is ignorant

They think they're so much smarter than the rest of us that, after we bail them out, they thumb their noses in our faces by spending almost half-a-million of the bailout money on an exclusive vacation. As if they deserve it. And in addition to the huge bonuses they walk away with.

Now that we’ve seen even more examples bad corporate bosses managing investor's money, and felt the pain collectively, doesn't that make us want to run out and invest our money in the economic gas chamber of corporate stocks?  

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