Narcissistic Bad Bosses Not Worth the Trouble

Narcissism, in its mildest form, is a manifestation of insecurity; in its extreme form, it's mental illness. Yet many bosses at the top are diagnosed as narcissists. How does it happen? "They are attracted to big change and risk. Investors expect substantial returns and want their CEOs to take risks to deliver them." Yet, "on average their bottom lines [are] not higher or lower than non-narcissistic CEOs."

Narcissists are often spotted rising through the ranks of a hierarchy. Their misbehavior is tolerated because their noise and boldness makes them seem like the type who will get extraordinary results. Now we know that's just not true, so putting up with them may not be worth it. But it's unlikely we'll see them downsized or transitioned any time soon.

The linked article offers a few good pointers for dealing with a narcissistic boss, but if one of these types is using your head as a rung in the corporate ladder right now, you need survival strategies you can put to work immediately. Learn what to do about your narcissistic boss in the "Suppressor Boss" chapter of Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Boss? 13 Types and How to Survive Them—you don't need to buy the whole book, click here to get only the chapter you need.

Also see the March 23 blog on this topic: Managing Mentally Ill Bad Bosses
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